Pedro Newsletter 12.05.2011
Comments: 2
- Google I/O videos:
- Keynote Day I
- Chrom Web Store Publisher Forum
- Android Protips: Advanced Topics for Expert Android App Developers
- Don’t just build a mobile app. Build a business
- Super Browser 2 Turbo HD Remix: Introduction to HTML5 Game Development
- HTML5 Today with Google Chrome Frame
- Fireside Chat with the Android Team
- Web Fonts are changing the Web. Learn why
- How to NFC
- Ignite
- Bring the Cloud to Your IDE with the Google Plugin for Eclipse
- Managing and visualizing your geospatial data with Fusion Tables
- Integrating to eBooks: APIs to Sell and Read eBooks
- Introduction to Google Shopping APIs
- Keynote Day 2
- and more on youtube.
- Keynote Day I
- Microsoft bought Skype.
- IntelliJ 10.5 release candidate was released.
- Chromebook – new kind of computer from Google.
- Custom metrics for Amazon CloudWatch.
- In-App Payments for the Web. Now we can start earning money
- SpringSource Tool Suite 2.7.0.M1 was released. Groovy ecosystem support was added.
Nope, my friend who attend Google I/O is still waiting for Chromebook ;/
I haven’t heard a thing about the chromebooks that were promised to Google I/O attendees. Have they been sent out yet?