April 22, 2010 Pedro Newsletter 01-05.04.2010 Comments: 1
Google lunched „Google Ad Innovation “ it is worth to know
Where 2.0 conference reports day 1 , day 2 , day 2 part 2 , day 3
Bing Maps is really nice.
That’s awesome testing story !!!
Clover 3.0 released nice grovy support and eclipse plugin improvements
Improved speed of Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) the article is hardcore
Interview with Jason van Zyl – maven commiter – about maven3 features.
US federal judge ruled on Tuesday that Novell owns the Unix copyrights, and not SCO. In the 7-year court battle !!!, yep Linux is free, thanks Novell.
Technology secrets article
Google introduce DNS record verification it allows verifying domain ownership for all subdomains (so it is quicker than verifying subdomain by subdomain).
Funny story about learning programing in 21 days
Hibernate 3.5 was released
Nice talk about 10 Golden Princliples of Successful Web App made by Fred Wilson @ Future of Web Apps
Introduction to Grails framework by Infoq .
Java 7 hype has just began .
Polish Power
Awesome series of „java class reloading“ part one , part two , part three , part four , and last part five
Better buzz control in gMail.
Google add new features to GAE, it will allow to gather information about execution times
New book for iPad
Linux is free?
Or is it now owned by Novell? 🙂