Pragmatic Programmer Issues


kdb+ high performance, column-oriented, designed for massive datasets database

Comments: 4

Today data volumes are growing continuously. We need to do complex processing in real time. kdb+ try to solve that problem. It  includes q vector processing programming language (SQL-like). For example the New York Stock Exchange, which produce today a billion records per day ( in peaks over two billion), additionally it is over 200 GB […]


Importance of Security

Comments: 2

Everybody knows web application are now de facto standard in daily use. We go even further as we have more and more mobile devices. We are building our apps in such a way we can access it from mobile phones, tablets and even e-book readers. So nobody should be surprised that companies involved in web […]


Pedro Newsletter 30.11.2011

Comments: 4

This is the last Pedro Newsletter. Hope you enjoyed it. Atlassian OnDemand add Tempo plugin – time management and reporting is now easy. smtproutes – simple SMTP server (Sinatra inspiration). Spring Framework 3.1.0.RC2 was released. Redis for autocomplete. Alex’s Git Tip of The Week: Git submodules. iOS 5.1 beta – Siri integration Thanks for all, […]


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