Model Driven Architecture live or dead?
Comments: 1In my wunderlist‘s “watch this” list I found this dinosaur movie to watch: MDA: A forlorn hope. by Uncle Bob. It was posted over two years ago and it was viewed almost 55 thousand times. MDA is easy isn’t it? The MDA Guid has only 62 pages. We need some modeling tools and another tool for […]
It is better to harden your WordPress
During the Polish Long Weekend (actually very long), I had some speare time. I had great time with family, so after my little devils felt asleep. I though: “Let me see what I have in my draft post list” (which it is huge btw). One of interesting entry from January is “Hardening Wrodpress”. Finish it! The story […]
DevCrowd 2013
Comments: 4This was the 3rd time I was a presenter on the DevCrowd conference. In fact twice on DevCrowd and once on Java4People. The variety of attendees and presenters was huge, and we saw that all the time: during questions, presentation styles, there were also presentations with meat (I mean code) and there was a presentation […]
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