Pragmatic Programmer Issues


Mavenization Idea

Finally, we did it. Our project was gained maven nature. The process of conversation is NOT so simple, as I thought when I started. I share my experiences during this migration. Mavenize your project structure It is possible to make maven work with your actual project structure, but as I know now, the first maven […]


Strange, I survived

Comments: 1

This day is the most nervous day in my life. First mavenization started, after commit we realized that where are some web-guys. which have problems to run tomcat and other stuff, so we want rollback and than SVN refuse to cooperate with us. I fight with time seeking another solutions. As it was not enough, […]


Mavenization Holded

Eh, life isn’t fair. Two minutes before final commit mavenization was canceled, so I must put on hold my mavenization post. Next time Gadget next time. On the other hand I prepare for wjug presentation on Tuesday; it’s about ruby on rails. I’m afraid a little because java vs. ruby evangelism. In my opinion java […]


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