Pragmatic Programmer Issues


Pedro Newsletter 03.11.2011

Build high-end iOS application – developerWorks published series of articles. NoSQL wars have just began. Six Episodes of Clojure Unit with Expectations. Programing in Lua. Git-Hub enterprise was released. Awesome news for all companies which were afraid of hosting code in the cloud. Hangout API v0.1 was released.


Pedro Newsletter 02.11.2011

Good references to understand git. Apple Lossless Audio Codecs is now open source. Ruby 1.9.3 was released. Alex’s Git Tip of The Week: Git Flow. NSLogger 1.0 was released. Scala Documentation (you can (or even should) contribute through github). And Now For Something Completely Different: Things That turbo Pascal is Smaller Then. The touch command […]


Pedro Newsletter 31.10.2011

CloudFoundry new features presented at SpringOne 2GX. HTML5 boilerplate for Rails. Eclipse Juno M3 was released. Ruby HTTP client features matrix. And Now For Something Completely Different: Eclipse Splash Screen history.


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