Pragmatic Programmer Issues

Category: BigData

NoSQL hype – Cassandra example

In last few weeks there was a lot of NoSQL hype, with more and more information about companies which migrate from rational databases such MySQL to NoSQL solution. There are a lot of pretty awesome NoSQL solution on the market, but from my point of view the most promising is Cassandra. Originally Cassandra was developed […]

CloudFront Joined AWS Free Usage Tier

Amazon CloudFront is Content Delivery Network (CDN) and more as it is integrated and optimized to work with other AWS services. By using edge locations of Amazon’s DCs we can cache our content and deliver it with low latency. It doesn’t meter if the content is static (S3 object) or dynamic (EC2 service). We can […]



kdb+ high performance, column-oriented, designed for massive datasets database

Comments: 4

Today data volumes are growing continuously. We need to do complex processing in real time. kdb+ try to solve that problem. It  includes q vector processing programming language (SQL-like). For example the New York Stock Exchange, which produce today a billion records per day ( in peaks over two billion), additionally it is over 200 GB […]
