Pragmatic Programmer Issues

2011 - 09 Archive

Pedro Newsletter 30.09.2011

Virtualization and Java: An Introduction to Memory Management (video). Django on Heroku. Riak 1.0 was released. Rails authentication options today.


Pedro Newsletter 29.09.2011

CSS Tricks: The Shape of CSS. Cloud Foundry Deployments with Maven: How to introduce rapid deployment for maven projects. Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia. (Free book) IntelliJ 11 (Early Access) new features preview: Editing module dependencies, Gists from IDE. Alex’s Git Tip of The Week: Git Archive and Packfiles redux. New Google APIs: […]


Pedro Newsletter 16.09.2011

Improved accessibility for Google Calendar and Google Docs to the blind community. Different application layering in new Spring Roo 1.2 explained on Spring Blog. Do not sit at work. Please read Sitting and Standing at Work. Examples of Ruby on Rails. SOLID principles never enough. And Now For Something Completely Different: Why do I not […]


Pedro Newsletter 15.09.2011

Author of very useful IntelliJ plugin Pastie, shares with us some tips and links for IntelliJ plugin development. Optimize caching: Great article from Google. Quick conferences report (Python world). StackParts: if you have problem to choose your stack, this site try to help you. Windows 8 developer preview. Spring Roo 1.2.0 M1 was released. Ten […]


Pedro Newsletter 14.09.2011

Grails Resource Plugin: Awesome article how to setup and use plugin to get the best value. Django project always had a great documentation. Anyway you can join and make it even better and once you do this how to submit a patch. Git tips you didn’t know about, and Alex’s Git Tip Of The Week: […]


Pedro Newsletter 13.09.2011

GWT Multimodule Enterprise Example project. Made from CRMdipity. Good job. Groovy Goodness: Transform Collection to Map. Upcoming Web Design and Development Conferences. Great Video: Refactoring in IntelliJ IDEA, Live by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)


Pedro Newsletter 12.09.2011

GWT 2.4 was released. JavaZone session videos. IntelliJ Idea 11 EAP: changes digest for easier pre commit review. Spring Social 1.0 was released. Django security updates.


Pedro Newsletter 09.09.2011

Remotipart 1.0 was released. Remotipart is AJAX file uploads for Rails 3.0/3.1. class-dump 3.3.4 was released. Rails 3.1 gems explained.


Pedro Newsletter 08.09.2011

PragPub September 2011: There are two awesome Scala articles to read :). Top ten reasons why customers trust Google. You can use this list when you compare different cloud solutions. Jira 5.0 milestone 4 was released. 5th Jira is focused on integration. We should see lot of plugins and additional products which use Jira API. […]


Pedro Newsletter 07.09.2011

Alex’s Git Tip of the Week: Commits. I totally agree: The value of practice is a must. Groovy 1.8.2 and 1.9 beta 3 were released. Rails 3.0 tutorial. Spring Data JPA 1.0.1 was released.


Pedro Newsletter 06.09.2011

Nice and simple tool for presentation Asciidoc/Slidy presented in action by Tomek. Clever algorithms: describes 45 algorithms from the field of Artificial Intelligence. And PDF is for free. Getting Started With PayPal API by Smashing magazine. And Now For Something Completely Different: Happy birthday, Freddie Mercury.


Pedro Newsletter 05.09.2011

Pedro Newsletter 02.09.2011