2011 - 03 Archive
Pedro Newsletter 1.04.2011
Finally “Sunny California” is sunny. Atlassian Funs: Do-Gooder Awards submission started. 10000$ to win plus ticket for Atlassian Summit in San Francisco. Salesforce.com acquired Radian6. IntelliJ IDEA 10.5 EAP build 106.330 was released. PrimeFaces Themes 1.0.1 was released. User Agent is changing in Google Chrome 1
Pedro Newsletter 31.03.2011
Watchr – GitHub description: “Agile development tool that monitors a directory tree, and triggers a user defined action whenever an observed file is modified” Top Ten reasons to use Google Plugin for Eclipse. Concies list of Enterprise OSGi Runtimes and Tooling. New concept of Android SDK in Intelli 10.5. +1 recommendation form Google (Facebook ‘like’ […]
Pedro Newsletter 30.03.2011
Amazon Cloud Drive and Amazon Cloud Player, it is awesome. A lot of articles over the internet: Wired, Macworld, ars technica, and me :). Cesar – CSS Animation Tool. Not for me but anyway it is Great Tool. Are you not sure to Rails3 migration, this article may help you. What I like about […]
Amazon Cloud Drive and Play
Comments: 7Amazon is awesome! Everyone of us have a lot of music files. You can try “du -hs Music/“, I’m getting 100+GB answer, and this is just the part of my music, mostly because “df -h” is saying “Avail 4.5Gb” . This is after I purge more than 50GB of music. I’m also user of Grooveshark […]
Pedro Newsletter 29.03.2011
Comments: 2Amazon lunchedAmazon Virtual Private Cloud (beta). Certification Competence Correlation article by Martin Flower. Django pluggable searching engine: Haystack 1.0 was released. Awesome book in beta from Pragmatic: Programming Concurrency on the JVM: Mastering Synchronization, STM, and Actors. New chapters in Jenkins: The Definitive Guide. It is free book. Registration for WWDC 2011 has started, […]
Pedro Newsletter 28.03.2011
It is fantastic idea: America’s Tallest Skyscraper Becoming a Solar Farm. Developer Support Handbook from Google experiences. Code School: The next level of the way to learn new things. Firebug 1.7 was released, lots of new cool features and firefox 4 support. SpringSource Tool Suite for Eclipse 3.7 is available as early access. Clojure Cheat […]
Pedro Newsletter 25.03.2011
DataScienceToolkit. This is awesome. Snappy – compression/decompression library. The Little Guide to Un-Procrastination (11$ ebook) Yesterday day 1&2, today NSConference 2011 day 3 reported by Alex. MacRuby 0.10 was released. Spring Data JPA 1.0.0.M2 was released. Security vs Security Architecture talk by Marc Stiegler from HP Labs.
Pedro Newsletter 24.03.2011
SpringSource opened YouTube Channel. I found Using Spring with NoSQL Databases talk interesting. Ruboto: Ruby on Android article on developerWorks. Great post by Seth: Are you making something? I was on NSConference 2010, this year I cannot make it, but Alex provided full detailed review for us: Day 1, Day 2. New Google Analytics Dashboard. […]
Pedro Newsletter 23.03.2011
JRebel 4.0M1 was released. 5 Enhancement to Confluence Notification in 3.5 release. Great Seth post about nuclear and coal power: The triumph of coal marketing. EclipseCon impression from Monday.
Pedro Newsletter 22.03.2011
What every Eclipse Developer should know about EMF – Part 1. Mac OSX 10.6.7 was released. Alex’s Monday git tip: Ignoring build output. One of Agile Benefits is “Visual Project Management“.
Pedro Newsletter 21.03.2011
Probability and Statistics for Programmers. (FREE BOOK) Didn’t get Google I/O ticket: You may register for Google I/O extended to see few session. If you have problems with your access into JMX data, you can use jolokia project. Checkout Jolokia + Highcharts = JMX for human beings article. WebOS 2.1 SDK was released. A history […]