Pedro Newsletter 13-15.06.2010
Back in Poland, with the jet-lag and huge amount of work. So the news:
- Spring Framework 3.0.3 was released. Many bug-fixes, great job for Spring Source Team.
- New SVN branching support in IntelliJ, it will make your merging easier.
- Pair Programming by example :>, if you like it don’t watch.
- JavaCamp report in Krakow, I have to go to another edition.
- Another 16 Apps for Google Marketplace, if it your target you should read about that.
- Great Gmail new feature, now you can check if only you have access to your gmail account
- Django author (Jacob Kaplan-Moss) about writing great documentation, and he knows what he is talking about, IMHO Django has one of the best project documentation.
- Yep that’s my favorite, Google introduce account activity alerts, so you may see who was logged into you Google Account. That awesome feature, I hope that it register all the activity (eg. not bypass admin activity). It is a little bit hidden but if you look at bottom of the page there is “Last account activity …. . Details”, once you click on Details the pop up will show.
- Scala 2.8.0 is closer and closer RC5 was released.
- Great move from Erlang folks (I still remember how I started with Ruby). Go try Erlang.
- Are you Ruby programmer, if so there is quite nice publish-subscribe messaging system based on Bayeux. It is worth try.
- Another Google (adroid) vs Apple (iOS) confrontation. (0:1) for Apple.
- Stuff from InfoShare 2010. (in Polish).
- Google Guava0.5 was released.
- Thumbs and Django it is not a problem now.
and come’on it is 1am, going slip ASAP.