Pedro Newsletter 31.05.2010
I’m back home, weather is not so excited, but I will survive 🙂
- Quite dense article about OpenESB. Article covers all basics of JBI and OpenESB you should read this article.
- Density of smart people.
- Model Driven Software Development voting.
- Open JDK 7.0 for OSX
- Introduction to String Template project.
- JetBrains released PhpStorm 1.0– great php development tool, WebStorm 1.0– great web development tool and YouTrack 2.0 – bug/issue tracker.
- Orkut Java client library.
- Quit Facebook Day is bat five hundred.
- Oracle accelerate java development, will JDK7 be released on JavaOne? New Features part one and part two
- Misko Hevery article: Dependency-injection and JavaScript closures.
- Google I/O videos coming soon.
- Maven dependencies diagram in IntelliJ with conflict fixing.
- Two millions in less then sixty days -> iPad sales.
- Transparency is Not Enough -> great talk from Gov2.0 Expo transcript.