2009 - 03 Archive
AOSD – Finally Thoughts
We started with Keynote by John A. Stankovic from Universtity of Virginia, it was really cool keynote. He talk about defense system The dynamics aspects where use to implement mechanism “right defense at the right time”. He describe real life problems with messages encryption, power management and sensor localization. The localization problem comes from that […]
AOSD Conference Day
The conference was started by Keynote. Paul Daugherty from Accenture talk about cost, and how they try to reduce it. 91 from top 100 companies are Accenture’s clients. They have consultants on every place in The Earth. He told that about 60% of cost goes to maintenance and keep live system. The solution is to […]
AOSD – Part One
This year I choose as my conference 8th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development it is rather no commercial conference, and now I know it’s for sure not commercial, probably I’m only one from industry, other fellows are from Universities and so on. It is amazing experience. First the trip from New York to Charlottesville, […]