Pragmatic Programmer Issues

SD WEST – day two

First session was the workshop with Amr Elssamadisy. He is an author of great book “Patterns of Agile Practice Adoption”, which can be also downloaded FOR FREE from infoq site. Great workshop, great book, and he give me a copy of it with personal autograph.

Next I want to know something more about java nio, so I went to Ron Hitchens presentation “How to Build a Scalable, Multiplexed Java Server With NIO”. Ron is author of the “Java NIO” book. I thought that NIO is something I can learn easy, but Ron showed me how wrong I was. After this presentation, NIO is recognized as hard and scheduled to unknown time ;). If you want to try this topic Ron put his presentation and code here.

Than was so called lunch and keynote from the Intel guy about parallelism. James Reinders told us about how important is to write programs to work in parallel. He described construction of new processors and about future intel plans.

After keynote I went to Allen Holub, He is a great speaker, talks softly and very funny. He showed us some tricks hackers can use to expose our system. He talks about XSS and XSRF. Nice talk with very real life example.

And the last talk this day was Neal Ford “Meta-Programming Ruby”. This talk was really advanced. Neal has many examples, and show deeply Ruby meta features. If you interested in Neal presentation see his home page.

I’m slowly back to normal life, a friend of mine choose Melatonin, I’m old fashioned so I’ve chosen Tyskie ;).
