Pragmatic Programmer Issues

After JavaTechKonf

Ok, the conference is over, we have good time on JavaTechKonf after party

I worry about Merlin fellows, because they go home, and as they said they are to tired to go with us.

In my opinion Tomek and Piotr was greatest on the conference.

Redmat, yep this is the main process thread. What can I said : maybe I don’t know him as I want to, second he was a orchestra men, when I’ve got a problem I can blindly call him and there’s no problem anymore. Last time I think that if I have some Redmat properties then I was super human as well. Lastly I think about :”why it was Readmat?” and my wife said “Redmat was a men who can die in simple way, it’s not Redmat way”, and I agree with here, there was no more people like him.
