Pragmatic Programmer Issues

2010 - 11 Archive

Pedro Newsletter 30.11.2010

Great Post: Dependency Hell. Amazon whitepapers on Cloud Migration. Idead awesome article: The biology of Sloppy Code. Ruby is beautiful (but I’m moving to Python) article worth reading for all “only Java” people. I’ve just downloaded: Tower: Git client for OSX, first impressions is really great. Warsaw in snow, do you want to be healthy, […]


Pedro Newsletter 29.11.2010

Java Code Geeks has just started. Maven 3.0.1 was released. Xdotool: unfortunately only X11 tool for simulating mouse and keyboard. Mirah: New language, main propose provide ruby syntax for java developers. Looking gift for geek? Check Kevin Rose list.


Pedro Newsletter 26.11.2010

Free eBook – Database fundamentals. OSGi injection in GlassFish. Neu 1.0 was released. Neu is application which allowsyou o create new documents in the Finder (OSX related). As always, Alex provide deep details of his experience, this time it was Roo. It is for sure have to read article.


Pedro Newsletter 25.11.2010

Goodbye Novell: Attachmate acquires Novell for $2.2 billion. Finalist list of AWS Start-Up challenge 2010. Google BIG Security Hole. Google Finance was added to Google Enterprise Account. Amazing Seth Godin Post about IDEAS: have to read.


Pedro Newsletter 24.11.2010

iPad apps form VMware (6 minutes video), as VMWorld 2010 report. David Pogue article: It is Big Brother or Just an Algorithm? Spring Integration 2.0.GA was released. Great article about cost not writing tests. Reader already is there, now time for Blogger.


The Power of Feedback – book review

I’ve just read great book: The Power of Feedback. The book is awesome, and everyone who wants to improve yourself should read it. Here is brief, chapter by chapter short description, to keep important ideas. Reacting to Feedback: The main problem is our reaction to feedback, most of the time we deny feedback with the […]


Pedro Newsletter 23.11.2010

Django plus GAE – before decide read this article. iPhone and TDD. iOS 4.2 software update. Move over Java to Fantom language: Move over Java, Introducing The Fantom Language with Brian and Andy Frank. If not move to Scala 🙂 Amazon Kindle supports gifting books. What do you think Nook or Kindle?


Pedro Newsletter 22.11.2010

Newcomers into SpringSource Portfolio: Spring Mobile and Spring Android. Here is highlight for both of them. As the “add-on” we get OAuth to Spring Security, that’s great news indeed. Two great interview from InfoQ: Inside SpringSource with Rod Johnson and Yehuda Katz on Rails 3.x. First one explains a lot about Spring Portfolio features, plans […]


Pedro Newsletter 19.11.2010

Spring Security 3.0.5 was released. Mainly few bug fixes. Great and fun talk: Simplicity, The Way of the Unusual Architect. Talk with Brian Goetz on Java feature. Google Apps for customers are now much more reacher in application. We can customize which app we want to use. New site for learning Ruby on Rails in […]


Pedro Newsletter 18.11.2010

JavaCamp 5 – report. Presentation about HTML5: Tomorrows’s Tech Today by Scott Davis. Editing Google Docs on mobile devices, that’s great news. Wil Facebook marge with MySpace? It would be interesting move. Oracle Coherence demo.


Pedro Newsletter 17.11.2010

Comments: 1

Google Voice for iPhone. JSRs for Java SE 7 and Java SE 8. IntelliJ 10 public preview. Arduino with Bamboo: Extreme feedback from Bamboo. Rails 3.0.3 was released.


Pedro Newsletter 16.11.2010

Pedro Newsletter 15.11.2010

Pedro Newsletter 12.11.2010

Pedro Newsletter 10.11.2010

Pedro Newsletter 09.11.2010

Pedro Newsletter 08.11.2010