Pragmatic Programmer Issues

2007 - 07 Archive


There some memory problems. IMHO there are two options which can help You. On of them is: -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError This option dumps heap state when out of memory occurs. The second option is -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak This option activate on Ctrl+Break. Also many tools provide dump on demand. At production level heap has about 100000000 live object. So […]



Yep today I was thinking about estimations. What is an estimation, how we know that given estimation is ok, and of course how to estimate. Estimation is in my opinion believing in something, so naturally it strongly depends on personal fillings, knowledge, and many others attributes. So why we estimate, the answer is “because we […]



Lately I’m involved in too much things and my blog is in the last place. I’ve just passed Sun SCWCD exam. The strange thing about it is that I’m using this technology every day, so when I decided to pass exam I was thinking it’ll very easy. Than I started preparing and I realized that […]


conduce for Redmat


Gates vs Jobs


Eclipse v3.3

The list of new feature is huge. The first improvement but for me not interesting at all is windows vista native support (double-buffered painting, WPF). Here is my filtered list 😉 Ctrl + 3 -> quick access UI elements (views, commands, preference pages..) with initials of words searching. Ctrl + Alt +Click -> step into […]
